The picturesque town with many half-timbered houses is situated at the point where the three rivers Werra, Weser and Fulda meet. The former wealth of the city can still be seen in the many half-timbered houses, over 700 from six different centuries.
From the tower of the Tillyschanze you have a spectacular view over the city, looking far into the Reinhardswald. De beautiful half-timbered buildings, the mighty fortified tower and fortification, the majestic Welfenschloss, the historical Stonebridge and the undeniable Renaissance-Rathaus make sure that Hann.Münden can compete with similar towns at a European level.
Suggestions in the area
Here we have a number of suggestions for trips in the area.

Hann. Münden
No wonder that three of Germanies finest cycling trails pass here: the diverge Weser-Radweg (450 km), the family friendly Werratal Radweg (300 km) and the adventurous Fulda-Radweg (200 km)
For hikers there are many hiking trails. One of the most famous is the Werra-Burgen-Steig (500 km) , which in 2018 is nominated for the fourth time as ‘most beautiful hiking trail of Germany’ by Wandermagazine.

City museum
The city museum of Hann.Münden is located in an impressive Guelph Castle (‘Welfenschloss’) from the 16th century. Besides the two Renaissance rooms with wallcovering paintings you can visit during a guided trip, visitors nowadays can also visit the city archive, the city library and the city museum.
Here you can discover the magnificent vase and cover in Faience ceramics from the Hanstein family, exhibitions on the town´s history or obtain information on archaeology, trading, traffic and look at pieces from the sculptor Gustav Eberlein

Kaufunger Forest
In the Kaufunger Forest many hiking trails are set out, from Mother Hulda (Frau Holle), via Hercules to the Niester Giants (Riesen). But also cyclists and mountainbikers will find many possibilities to pass the time. From the Bilsteintower you have an excellent view over the treetops. Southeast from Hann.Münden the Bohlenweg leads you through the unique nature of the Hühnerfeld swamp.

Roman camp Hedemünden
The remains of a roman camp in Hedemünden are a fantastic archaeological find and a historical cultural heritage. About 200 km north of the original borders of the Roman Empire this camp was built on a strategic location.

Tropical greenhouse
The tropical greenhouse from the university of Kassel is located in Witzenhausen and can be visited. On 1200 square meters, over 400 plant species from all over the world thrive here. A guided tour takes you through three climate zones in five different greenhouses.
Her you can learn why the bananas are curved, how a coffee bean finds its way to your cup and how fruits like kiwi, mango and papaya grow. At the end of the tour you will be able to obtain a rainforest diploma.

Geo Naturpark Frau Holle Land
With 22 premium trails, the Werra-Burgen-Steig and the Grimm-Steig Geo nature park Frau Holle land is a paradise for hikers. The few weeks at the end of June and beginning of July, the region is especially worthwhile the visit during the flowering season of the poppies when millions of them color the fields around Germerode and Grandenborn to pink.

Fairytale route
With a total length of 1400 kilometers the German fairytale route stretches from Hanau to Bremerhaven and lets you follow the footsteps of the Grimm brothers. Here in Hann.Münden you are in heart of it and are the tales of Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Mother Hulda, Puss in Boots and Snow White very near.

Kassel is situated in the heart of Germany and at the same time it is the economic, cultural and social center of Northern Hessen. Here a lot is to be discovered, such as a lively inner-city, friendly quarters with historical centers, numerous cozy bars and restaurants, several picturesque parks and a wide range of art and culture and don’t forget the quinquennial Documenta.
When visiting Kassel you should certainly drop in at the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe. This park is famous for its Waterfeatures, Hercules, Castle Wilhelmshöhe and the Ruin Löwenburg. Since 2013 the park is listed as World Heritage by the UNESCO.

Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, Sababurg
When following the track of the Grimm brothers you will undoubtedly include a visit to the Castle of Sleeping Beauty, near Hofgeismar, whilst Grimm’s fairy-tale castle is probably one of the most popular trips on the German fairy-tale route. Another highlight, next to the castle in the enchanting Reinhardswald is the 13 acre animal park Sababurg, with over 80 different species of animals.

In the city of knowledge, Göttingen, you can easily spend your days. This university City offers many art-treasures, museums and collection, e.g. the Geopark and the corresponding geoscientific museum. Or go on a guided adventure and explore the historical cellar vaults and dungeons from the city´s `Underworld´.